The Fabulous 50th Birthday Trip Begins
Yesterday at about 1:30, Luke came into my office, handed me a card, and told me to leave. Now. I opened the card, which said: It’s time to go home | You must prepare | You’re starting an adventure | But who knows where? I wasn't ready, but I rushed my way through the last couple of things and exited the premises. I still had to run a couple of errands, including getting more fish for Maya... and I hadn't even begun to pack so I wasn't sure what Kef was thinking asking Luke to kick me out. When I got home just before 2:00, Kef was standing in my kitchen, starting on dishes. Because I thought we weren't leaving until Saturday, I hadn't done any of my last-minute things yet. I still felt like I needed to do at least one more load of laundry, I hadn't done dishes, or cleaned up piles, or taken out the trash, or even begun to pack. But Kef said I had one hour to be ready before Cindy would come to take charge of Maya. And we had to be on the road by 3:30. Needless to say, it was an exhausting hour...I'm sure for Kef too as she had to do dishes and change the sheets on the bed while I packed. And when I say packed, I mean she kept telling me things I needed to have, and so my suitcase kept getting more and more packed. Now I can barely roll it, much less carry it.
The next morning, we were a little slower than Kef expected, and it was almost 9:00 when we left, stopping for just a moment to get seaside photos. We made our way to a place called Wentworth by the Sea—a hotel that had a restaurant called Salt, serving breakfast with a lovely view. We enjoyed our pancakes (me) and avocado toast (Kef), and then she hurried us on our way. When we got back to the car, after taking a moment for photos of the hotel exterior and its beautiful peonies, Kef handed me a gift bag. Inside were a map of Maine and book entitled Lighthouses of New England, with a series of sticky notes marking pages in order. I was instructed not to peak and given this card: “You need to start counting | As we follow our path | The adventure starts now | Onward to Bath.”
And thus began my Fabulous 50th Birthday trip!
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